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We think teachers are important.

We think we should listen to our fellow teachers.

We think teachers should be front and centre in education discussions.

We think we should not be some guide on the side.

Who are we?

A couple of post-primary teachers who just have a huge interest in hearing how other teachers think

How do you get involved?

DM us on Twitter if you have idea that you think might suit the site

Why are we starting this?

We feel that there is a need to break down the barriers between subjects and share ideas on good teaching

Is this for post-primary teachers only?

No, we'd love to read more out how education works in all settings

What's wrong with being a guide on the side?

Nothing really, we just believe that it's not a fair reflection of the importance of a teacher in the classroom

Be sound

Teachers are publically sharing their thoughts and practice. Be constructive and be sound.

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